Registration for CALS2025 is now openClick here to save your spot!


Thank you for joining us at 10th Annual Canadian Autism Leadership Summit in Ottawa (ON) and via livestream from April 17-19, 2024!

The Summit is the key community event where over 200 Autistic self-advocates, researchers, politicians, service providers, and policy makers from across Canada come together to discuss, debate and develop recommendations for policies and strategies that benefit Autistic people in Canada. 

Useful Resources

At CALS2024, we created an environment where attendees and presenters can fully engage and thrive. We’ve curated a range of resources to enrich your experience and ensure inclusivity:

  • Language at CALS2024: Promotes a strength-based approach to autism and emphasizes the importance of language in everyday interactions.
  • Collective Impact at CALS2024: Explores how Autism Alliance of Canada utilizes a collective impact approach to unite Autistic people and their loved ones, support persons, professionals, researchers, organizations, and institutions nationwide.
  • Accessibility at CALS2024: Outlines the various accessibility measures implemented at CALS2024.
  • 3 briefs from CALS2023: These resources can be leveraged by advocates, policymakers, researchers, and community leaders, to inform their work and strengthen their advocacy.

Day 1: Wednesday, April 17, 2024


The first day of the 10th Annual Canadian Autism Leadership Summit kicks off with a dynamic agenda centered around the theme “Inform.” Decision-makers and experts will convene to provide key updates on the National Autism Strategy and the development of a comprehensive national disability policy tailored to address the diverse needs of Autistic people in Canada and their families.

Throughout the day, attendees will delve into autism policy and advocacy on multiple fronts. From federal developments to regional initiatives across provinces and territories, the Summit will offer a comprehensive overview of the evolving landscape. Global perspectives will also take the stage, with insights gleaned from examining policies from Peru, Australia, the United States, India, and the United Kingdom.

The program features engaging sessions designed to foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing. Panels will explore topics such as harmonizing national and local autism policy, perspectives from community organizations, and global insights shaping the future of autism strategies. Attendees will have ample opportunities to network, exchange ideas, and gain valuable insights into innovative projects driving progress in the field.

The day culminates in an evening of celebration at a parliamentary reception, commemorating a decade of collective impact in advancing the rights and well-being of Autistic people  and their loved ones. Attendees will come together to honor the contributions of the Autistic community and celebrate milestones achieved through collaborative efforts.

8:00 – 9:00 AM

Networking | Breakfast
Breakfast will be provided for all Summit attendees at the Fairmont Château Laurier in Ottawa.

9:00 – 9:30 AM

Opening Remarks

  • Jonathan Lai, Ph.D., Executive Director, Autism Alliance of Canada
  • The Hon. Mark Holland, Minister of Health of Canada

9:30 – 10:30 AM

Panel Discussion | Harmonizing Hope: Bridging the Gap between National and Local Autism Policy
This session will discuss collaborative efforts at the provincial and territorial levels at providing tangible support for Autistic people and their families. Attendees will gain insights into the strategic coordination between federal and regional entities, fostering a united pursuit of a more inclusive and supportive Canada.

  • Karen Bopp, Ph.D., Executive Advisor for the Office of the Representative for Children and Youth of British Columbia, Adjunct Professor, Director of Provincial Outreach at the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Collaboration in Autism (CIRCA), University of British Columbia (UBC), and Co-Chair of Autism Alliance of Canada
  • Sally Scott, Executive Director, Division of Children and Youth, Public Health Agency of Canada
  • Suzi DeBlois, Autism Coordination Project Lead, Department of Education and Early Years, Prince Edward Island
  • Margaret Spoelstra, Chief Executive Officer, Autism Ontario

10:30 – 11:00 AM

Ceremony | Third Annual Jim and Ginette Munson Autism Leadership Award
Join us as we announce the recipient of the Third Annual Munson Award, recognizing the leadership, determination and values that reflect a commitment to the creation of a National Autism Strategy. The winner will be presented with a piece of artwork crafted by an Autistic artist, symbolizing their outstanding contributions and impact.

  • Kim Ward, Ph.D.,  Member of Munson Award Committee and Board Member of Autism Alliance of Canada
  • Whitney Hodgins, Recipient of the First Munson Award
  • Tom Jackman, Recipient of the Second Munson Award
  • The Hon. Jim Munson, former Canadian Senator, and Ginette Munson
  • Recipient of Third Munson Award: To be announced during the Award Ceremony.

11:00 – 11:30 AM

Networking | Break
Exhibitor Booths

11:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Panel Discussion | From Strategy to Action: Perspectives from Community Organizations
In this session, community organizations will share their perspectives on how the National Autism Strategy might impact their region. Attendees will gain a nuanced understanding of aspirations and concerns, accompanied by practical examples of coordinated efforts aimed at supporting the Strategy’s priorities.

  • Shino Nakane, Provincial Director, Autism Society Alberta, and Co-Vice Chair of Autism Alliance of Canada
  • Paul Walsh, Chief Executive Officer, Autism Society of Newfoundland & Labrador 
  • Liette Lanteigne, ED Autisme Péninsule acadienne. Présidente Centres en Autisme du NB Autism Centers
  • Eric Douglas, President and Peer Group Facilitator,  Asperger Manitoba Inc. (AMI)
  • Suzanne Perreault, Executive Director, Autism BC
  • Rebecca Fenton, Executive Director, Autism Yukon

12:30 – 2:00 PM

Networking | Lunch
Exhibitor Booths
Lunch will be provided for all Summit attendees at the Fairmont Château Laurier in Ottawa.

1:00 – 1:45 PM

Lunch & Learn | A Journey Towards Supporting Autistic Mental Health
This Lunch & Learn will focus on Canucks Autism Network’s efforts and learnings as they have worked to address the dire mental health barriers facing Autistic youth and adults in British Columbia. Through research and consultation, Autistic-led programming, community partnerships, and training initiatives, CAN has strived to offer programs that promote resiliency and wellness, while empowering mental health leaders in the community to provide inclusive, autism-affirming services.

This session is brought to you by Canucks Autism Network (CAN).

  • Britt Anderson, Chief Executive Officer, Canucks Autism Network
  • Stephanie Jull, Vice President, Programs, Training & Community Engagement, Canucks Autism Network

2:00 – 4:55 PM

Presentation and Panel | Global Insights with the IACC: International Autism Policy Discussion
This session is a hybrid event. It will be livestreamed from CALS2024 and will livestream the IACC Full Committee Meeting. In this session, we will explore global autism strategies alongside international partners who will be joining us online. Through shared insights and experiences, we will engage in a collaborative dialogue aimed at shaping the future of autism strategies worldwide. The full agenda of this meeting can be found here.

This session is planned collaboratively by the U.S. Office of National Autism Coordination (IACC), the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and Autism Alliance of Canada.

2:15 PM | Presentation | Global Autism Leadership Through Advocacy and Government

  • Mark Nafekh, Director General, Centre for Health Promotion, Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention Branch, Public Health Agency of Canada (In-person)
  • Andy Shih, Ph.D., Chief Science Officer, Autism Speaks (United States) (Online)
  • Pru McPherson, Director, Autism Policy, Foundational Support and Early Childhood Reform Branch, Department of Social Services of the Government of Australia (Online)
  • Menan Abd El-Maksoud, M.D., General Director of Hospitals, General Secretariat for Mental Health and Addiction Treatment, Ministry of Health and Population of the Government of Egypt (Online)

3:15 PM | Discussion | Global Autism Leadership Through Advocacy and Government

  • Joshua Gordon, M.D., Ph.D., Director, National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) and Chair, IACC (Online)

3:35 PM | Break

3:45 PM | Panel Discussion | International Autism Research and Advocacy

  • Deepa Singal, Ph.D., Scientific Director, Autism Alliance of Canada (In-person)
  • Susan Daniels, Ph.D., Executive Secretary, IACC; Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) National Autism Coordinator; Director, Office of National Autism Coordination, NIMH (Online)
  • James Cusack, Ph.D., Chief Executive, Autistica (United Kingdom)  (Online)
  • Gauri Divan, Ph.D., Director, Child Development Group, Sangath (India) (Online)
  • Liliana Mayo, Founder and Chief Executive, Centro Ann Sullivan del Perú (Online)
  • Amina Abubakar, Ph.D., Professor and Director, Institute for Human Development, Aga Khan University (Kenya) (Online)
  • Clare Gibellini, Co-Chair, National Autism Strategy Oversight Council (Australia) (Online)

4:35 PM | Discussion

4:55 – 5:00 PM

Closing Remarks

5:00 – 6:00 PM

Quiet Viewing | Community Showcase
Join us for a sensory-friendly viewing of visual displays featuring stories of experience, community initiatives, and research projects.

The Community Showcase will take place in the Canadian Room which is located on the level below the lobby.

This session was made possible thanks to  the contributions of Geneva Centre for Autism, the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Collaboration in Autism (CIRCA), and the Ontario Brain Institute.

6:00 – 7:30 PM

Parliamentary Reception | An Evening of Celebration
Join us for a reception, commemorating the contributions of the Autistic community and our members. This reception promises to celebrate the collective efforts dedicated to advancing a more inclusive Canada.

This reception will take place in a hall located near the Fairmont Château Laurier. Light refreshments and beverages will be served.

Summit attendees who have submitted an RSVP by April 1st will receive detailed information about the Reception by e-mail closer to date. Unfortunately, due to logistical constraints, we are not able to add additional names to the guest list of this reception. Thank you for your understanding.

Day 2: Thursday, April 18, 2024


The second day of the 10th Annual Canadian Autism Leadership Summit is dedicated to the theme of “Implement.” This day focuses on translating knowledge into action, embracing a rights-based approach to true inclusion for Autistic individuals across Canada. Join us as we roll up our sleeves and take action to implement inclusive policies that empower Autistic people and their families.

Throughout the day, attendees will engage in discussions and presentations aimed at identifying policies, programs, services, and supports with the potential to strengthen the impact of the National Autism Strategy. Government officials will provide insights into the latest developments on disability policy in Canada, including transformative changes such as the Canada Disability Benefit and the Disability Tax Credit.

A panel discussion titled “Breaking Barriers: Promising Practices for Inclusion in Autism” will bring together diverse perspectives to explore promising practices for inclusion at all levels, from frontline services to governance. Attendees will gain valuable insights into lessons learned and opportunities for improvement through actionable steps.

Interactive sessions will invite participants to dive deeper into autism policies in their respective provinces or territories. Through regional roundtable discussions, attendees will identify gaps, opportunities, and policy ideas, culminating in the development of tailored autism action plans. Facilitated workbook activities and a keynote address will guide attendees in crafting actionable measures for implementation.

The day concludes with a networking session featuring visual displays showcasing stories of lived experience, community initiatives, and research projects. Attendees will have the opportunity to connect, share insights, and foster collaboration in a supportive environment.

8:00 – 9:00 AM

Networking | Breakfast
Breakfast will be provided for all Summit attendees at the Fairmont Château Laurier in Ottawa.

9:00 – 9:30 AM

Opening Remarks

  • The Hon. Kamal Khera, Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities of Canada
  • The Hon. Mike Lake, Member of Parliament, Edmonton-Wetaskiwin
  • Tanya McLeod,  President, The Sinneave Family Foundation (Champion-level Supporter of CALS2024), and Board Member of Autism Alliance of Canada

9:30 – 10:00 AM

Presentation |  Latest Developments on Disability Supports in Canada: Disability Tax Credit
In this session, government officials will deliver updates on recent transformative changes in disability policy in Canada. Attendees can expect information on the Canada Disability Benefit and the Disability Tax Credit. The presentation will highlight the empowering effects of these policies on the lives of Autistic people and their loved ones.

This session was made possible thanks to the contribution of the Sinneave Family Foundation.

  • The Hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of National Revenue of Canada
  • Gillian Pranke, Assistant Commissioner, Assessment, Benefit and Service Branch (ABSB) in the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
  • Sujata Verma, Director General of the Disability, Indigenous and Benefits Outreach Services Directorate, Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)

10:00 – 11:00 AM

Panel Discussion | Breaking Barriers: Promising Practices for Inclusion in Autism
This session will bring together diverse perspectives to discuss promising practices for including Autistic people at all levels: from frontline to governance. Together, they will reflect on the lessons learned and opportunities to improve practice through action.

This session was made possible thanks to the contribution of the Sinneave Family Foundation.

  • Alexia Ostrolenk, Ph.D.,  CIHR Postdoctoral Health System Impact Fellow, Autism Alliance of Canada
  • Courtney Weaver, Learning & Development Technical Assistant, CASE, Self-advocate
  • Cyndi Gerlach, Trustee North Vancouver School District, Director Inclusion BC, Self-advocate, Parent 
  • Marie-Claude Leblanc, Parent and partner, Executive Director, Autisme sans limites
  • Sharon McCarry, Parent, Executive Director, Little Red Playhouse, and Director of the Engagement Program, Child Bright Network

11:00 – 11:30 AM

Networking | Break
Exhibitor Booths

11:30 AM – 12:00 PM

Presentation | Empowering Tomorrow’s Autism Researchers: Showcasing High-Impact Trainee-Led Projects
This session will highlight the impactful projects led by trainees within Autism Alliance of Canada. Discover how these initiatives are driving forward our collective impact movement and advancing the field of autism research.

This session was made possible thanks to the contribution of the Sinneave Family Foundation.

  • Deepa Singal, Ph.D., Scientific Director, Autism Alliance of Canada
  • Alexia Ostrolenk, Ph.D., CIHR Postdoctoral Health System Impact Fellow, Autism Alliance of Canada
  • Marina Schor, Research Coordinator, Autism Alliance of Canada
  • Angela MacDonald-Prégent, Ph.D.(c), Data-to-Policy Fellow, Autism Alliance of Canada

12:00 – 1:30 PM

Networking | Lunch
Exhibitor Booths

Lunch will be provided for all Summit attendees at the Fairmont Château Laurier in Ottawa.

1:30 – 4:55 PM

Interactive Workshop | Building Blocks for Provincial and Territorial Policy-Shaping: A Workshop to Find Gaps, Consensus and Next Steps
This interactive workshop guides participants through – and gets them developing – the building blocks that are needed to effectively shape and influence provincial and territorial autism policies. The workshop will bring together participants from across Canada and invites attendees to dive deeper into the state of autism policies in each province and territory. Participants will work together to identify gaps in existing policies, brainstorm possible solutions, and discuss next steps for influencing provincial and territorial autism policies.

What to expect? Download this resource to learn more about this interactive session.

There will be a break scheduled during the session.

This session was made possible thanks to the contribution of the Joyce Family Foundation and the Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation.

  • Adrienne Lipsey, Co-founder, Springboard

4:55 – 5:00 PM

Closing Remarks

5:00 – 6:30 PM

Networking | Community Showcase
Join us for a networking session of visual displays featuring stories of experience, community initiatives, and research projects. 

Light refreshments will be provided.

This session was made possible thanks to the contributions of Geneva Centre for Autism, the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Collaboration in Autism (CIRCA), and the Ontario Brain Institute.

Day 3: Friday, April 19, 2024


As we embark on the third and final day of the 10th Annual Canadian Autism Leadership Summit, our focus turns to the theme of “Innovate.” This day is dedicated to exploring valuable processes, promising practices, emerging ideas, and groundbreaking research that can propel our collective work forward in supporting Autistic people and their families.

The day begins with opening remarks, setting the stage for a series of engaging presentations and parallel sessions. Federal updates on disability policy in Canada will be provided by the Canadian Human Rights Commission, shedding light on their pivotal role in supporting Autistic people and their loved ones.

Attendees will have the opportunity to delve into the findings of the Pathways in Autism Study, a 24-year journey examining policy, clinical practice, and research. Presenters will share key insights and recommendations for more flexible, developmentally appropriate policies supporting children on the autism spectrum.

Parallel sessions will offer deep dives into innovative topics such as neuro inclusive housing and the development of a potential National Autism Research Network, as outlined in Bill S-203, Federal Framework on Autism Act. Additionally, workshops will focus on cultivating neuro-affirming mindsets and addressing the distinct issues faced by Autistic people across the lifespan, including aging perspectives.

The day concludes with closing remarks, reflecting on the wealth of knowledge shared and the collaborative spirit that has permeated the Summit. Together, we will leave equipped with innovative strategies to continue advancing our collective work in supporting Autistic people and their loved ones across Canada.

8:00 – 9:00 AM

Networking | Breakfast
Breakfast will be provided for all Summit attendees at the Fairmont Château Laurier in Ottawa.

Parallel Networking Session | Trainee Networking Breakfast
This networking event is open to all students (pre and post-graduate students, including postdoctoral fellows) to connect with peers in the field of autism policy and research

This breakfast will be held in the Laurier room

9:00 – 9:30 AM

Opening Remarks

  • Deputy Grand Chief Anna Betty Achneepineskum,  Deputy Grand Chief of Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN)
  • Phillip Rizcallah, CEO of Accessible Standards Canada

9:30 – 10:00 AM

Presentation |  Federal Updates on Disability Policy in Canada: Human Rights Commission
The Canadian Human Rights Commission will offer an in-depth presentation on the significant role their efforts play in supporting Autistic people in Canada and their families.

  • Charlotte-Anne Malischewski, Interim Chief Commissioner, Canadian Human Rights Commission
  • Carleen McGuinty, Acting Manager, International Cooperation and Monitoring, Canadian Human Rights Commission

10:00 – 11:00 AM

Presentation | The Pathways in Autism Study: Reflections and Findings on a 24-Year Journey in Policy, Clinical Practice, and Research
In this session, researchers will present key findings from the Pathways in Autism Study. They will provide recommendations for more flexible, developmentally appropriate policies supporting children on the autism spectrum. Attendees will gain insights from their 24-year examination of child, family, community and services factors influencing developmental trajectories in autism.

  • Dr. Peter Szatmari, Chief, Child and Youth Mental Health Collaborative at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and The Hospital for Sick Children and Director of the Division of Child and Youth Mental Health at the University of Toronto

11:00 – 11:30 AM

Networking | Break
Exhibitor Booths

11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Parallel Session 1A | Building Connections for Enhanced Neuroinclusivity in Housing
This session will showcase learnings about the connections between various decision-makers, collaborators, and roles in the housing ecosystem, with an emphasis on ways people have worked together to move neuroinclusive housing forward. Presenters will share progress on the applied phase of the Neuroinclusive Housing Initiative and how the National Autism Housing Network is moving forward.

This session was made possible thanks to  the contribution of the Azrieli Foundation.

  • Mike Chong, Knowledge Mobilization Officer, Accessibility Institute, Carleton University
  • Tara Connolly, Accessibility Institute Lead, Accessibility Institute, Carleton University
  • Roxana-Maria Barbu, Research Lead, Accessibility Institute, Carleton University

11:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Parallel Session 1B | The Value Add of a National Autism Research Network: A Network of Networks
In this session, presenters will discuss the potential of the development of a National Autism Research Network, as outlined in Bill S-203, Federal Framework on Autism Act. The session will share the results of a survey that aimed to understand the community’s interests, expectations, and potential contributions from a National Autism Research Network. It will also spotlight existing regional networks within the autism landscape and convene researchers, trainees, and members of the Autistic and autism communities to gather feedback on key elements of building an impactful national research network. Additionally, perspective on lessons learned from the United States in coordinating and funding national level research, as well as the perspective of lived experience in the role of Autistic people within academic networks and research will be provided.

  • Deepa Singal, Ph.D., Scientific Director, Autism Alliance of Canada
  • Dr. Lonnie Zwaigenbaum, Professor and Director of Autism Research, Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Alberta
  • Cyndi Gerlach, Trustee North Vancouver School District, Director Inclusion BC, Self-advocate, Parent
  • Mallory Solomon, Oshkaatisak Youth Council Member, Nishnawbe Aski Nation
  • Dr. Melanie Penner, Senior Clinician Scientist and Developmental Pediatrician; Bloorview Children’s Hospital Foundation (BCHF) Research Chair in Developmental Pediatrics, Extension of Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) Autism 
  • Mélanie Couture, Ph.D., Associate Professor at Université de Sherbrooke, and Co-director of Transforming Autism Care Consortium (TACC)
  • Susan Daniels, Ph.D., Executive Secretary, IACC; Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) National Autism Coordinator; Director, Office of National Autism Coordination, NIMH

1:00 – 2:30 PM

Networking | Lunch
Exhibitor Booths

Lunch will be provided for all Summit attendees at the Fairmont Château Laurier in Ottawa.

2:30 – 4:00 PM

Parallel Session 2A | Autism Across the Lifespan: Aging Perspective
This session will speak to the distinct issues and barriers faced by Autistic people as they progress through different stages of adulthood and aging. Speakers will identify considerations that can guide our strategies to support the whole spectrum of adults and how to build the capacity of our support systems.

This session was made possible thanks to the contribution of the Azrieli Foundation.

  • David Nicholas, Ph.D., Professor and Associate Dean of Research and Partnerships, Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary, and Board Member of Autism Alliance of Canada
  • Mackenzie Salt, Ph.D., Postdoctoral fellow, Autism Alliance of Canada
  • Terri Robson, Autistic Self-Advocate
  • Fakhri Shafai, Ph.D., Chief Science Officer, AIDE Canada
  • Margaret Bauman, Ph.D., Research Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Boston University School of Medicine (Online)

2:30 – 4:00 PM

Parallel Session 2B | Moving Post-Secondary Education Forward: Gathering Research and Lived Experience Insights Together
This session provides a structured, comprehensive exploration of the experiences of Autistic students in post-secondary education and the systemic changes needed to enhance their sense of belonging and academic success. Aligning with the themes of CALS2024, “Inform” and “Innovate,” attendees will learn about barriers to post-secondary education in Canada, workshop innovative ideas, and leave the session with up-to-date research and emerging best practices for moving systems and policy forward.

This session was made possible thanks to  the contribution of the Azrieli Foundation.

  • Brian Foster, Ph.D., National Manager of Policy and Resource Development, Ready, Willing and Able (RWA)
  • Heather Brown, Ph.D.,Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Alberta
  • Patty Douglas, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Disability Studies and Inclusive Education, Brandon University
  • Margaret Janse Van Rensburg, Ph.D.(c), Carleton University
  • Briano Di Rezze, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University

4:00 – 4:30 PM

Closing Remarks