Registration for CALS2025 is now openClick here to save your spot!

Get Involved

Autism Alliance of Canada is a pan-Canadian network with a broad and diverse membership of Autistic people, support persons, clinicians, researchers, policy influencers, service providers and organizations from across Canada.

Together, we work for the rights of Autistic people and their families. We represent, convene, and mobilize a shared leadership movement committed to guiding a National Autism Strategy that ensures equal opportunities for full participation and acceptance in Canadian society.

Become a member

As a member of Autism Alliance of Canada, you contribute to enhancing our impact through a strong, unified, collaborative voice by participating in a national shared leadership movement.

Take a look at our Membership Page to learn more about what it means to be a member of Autism Alliance of Canada.

Partner with us

Autism Alliance of Canada encourages a diversity of thought and ongoing dialogue. By engaging pan-Canadian networks, fostering communities of practice, hosting the Canadian Autism Leadership Summit, and welcoming members across the country, Autism Alliance of Canada collaborates with partners to create impact across disabilities, diagnoses and identities.

A concern that frequently emerges as I review federal policy is the exclusion of first voices from social policy development. I make it my mission to change this; partnering with organizations like Autism Alliance of Canada helps make that possible.

Headshot of The Honorable Dr. Wanda Thomas Bernard

The Honorable Dr. Wanda Thomas Bernard
Canadian Senator

Join a working group

Autism Alliance of Canada facilitates dialogue, advances research, and works with governments to develop and implement a National Autism Strategy. Our working groups continuously produce significant outputs which have informed autism policy in Canada. 

Apply for training opportunities

Autism Alliance of Canada convenes to coordinate a community-driven evidence to policy pipeline. Our fellowship and training initiatives provide trainees with the opportunity to develop applied skills, generate tangible outputs, connect with a wide range of stakeholders, and gain practical experience.

Apply to work with us

Autism Alliance of Canada is an equal opportunity employer committed to maximizing the diversity of organization. We strive towards building an Autistic-inclusive space. If you are passionate about working collaboratively for the rights of Autistic people and their families, apply to work with us.