Registration for CALS2025 is now openClick here to save your spot!

We’re excited to share the preliminary agenda for the 11th Annual Canadian Autism Leadership Summit! Please note that the information on this page may change.

Stay tuned as we post more updates and information! 

Theme: Canada’s Autism Strategy: What It Means For You

Monday April 28th, 2025

12:30PM – 1:00PM | Pre-Summit Sessions: Opening remarks. Keynote.

Speaker: The Hon. Marilou McPhedran, Senator.

1:00PM – | Parallel Sessions

Research as a Tool for Policy and Advocacy

This session will explore the critical role of research in shaping policy and advocacy efforts for autism supports in Canada, with a focus on Canada’s Autism Strategy. Attendees will gain insights into how research can inform actionable policy change, address systemic challenges, and foster collaboration between groups from diverse backgrounds and with diverse perspectives. The session will also examine the evolving research landscape, highlighting the interplay between the biomedical and social models of autism research.

Speakers: TBC

Exploring solutions: A field guide for neuroinclusivity in housing

Description: available soon


  • Mike Chong, Carleton University
  • Sonia Tanguay, Carleton University
  • Tara Connolly, Carleton University
Education (Title TBC)

Description: TBC


  • Thomas Henderson, Giant Steps
  • Cindy Gerlach, Board Member at Autism Alliance of Canada

5:00PM – 6:30PM | Member Showcase and Posters Reception

All Summit attendees can access this, even if they don’t join the Pre-Summit Sessions.

Tuesday April 29th, 2025

7:30AM – 9:00PM | Breakfast

9:00AM – 12:00PM | Opening remarks. Keynote Addresses. Munson Award.


  • The Hon. Leo Housakos, Senator
  • The Hon. Jim Munson, Senator

12:00PM – 1:30PM | Lunch. Francophone Lunch & Learn.

1:30PM – 3:00PM | Advancing Access: Addressing Challenges in Screening, Diagnosis and Services

Part 1: Panel: Breaking Barriers:  Achieving Equitable Autism Services in Canada

This session will take a forward-looking perspective into Priority Area 1 of Canada’s Autism Strategy. Speakers will identify what bold steps the government could take to make autism screening and services more accessible, what the challenges and opportunities are in providing diagnosis and support across the lifespan, and what success and progress would look like for this priority area.

Part 2: Table Discussion: Pathways to Progress: Bridging Gaps in Autism Diagnosis and Services

Participants will work together at their tables to reflect on the previous panel discussion. Participants will discuss and brainstorm actionable steps towards improving access in autism screening, diagnosis, and services at regional and provincial/territorial levels, and recommend how the federal government can support equitable access to diagnosis and services.

  • Ghita Wiebe (Saskatchewan), Developmental Pediatrician; Assistant Professor, University of Saskatchewan Alvin Buckwold Child Development Program 
  • Jessie Gartshore, Portfolio Lead, Child & Youth Health, Six Nations of the Grand River (SNGR)
  • Maddy Dever, Board Member at Autism Alliance of Canada
  • Dr. Caroline Roncadin, Clinical Director, McMaster Children’s Hospital Autism Program & Co-Director McMaster Autism Research Team

3:30PM – 5:00PM | Advancing Data Collection, Public Health Surveillance, and Research that Benefits Autistic Canadians and their families

Part 1: Panel – Data for Inclusion: Shaping Policy and Research for Autistic Canadians

This session will take a deep dive into Priority Area 3 of Canada’s Autism Strategy. Speakers will discuss current mechanisms for public health surveillance for autism and the current realities of the Canadian Autism research landscape.  Speakers will identify areas where advancements and investments could be made to improve data collection, advance autism research and discuss opportunities for gathering meaningful data that would directly benefit autistic people and their families.

Part 2: Table Discussion – From Numbers to Action: Advancing Research and Public Health for Autism

Participants will discuss connections between data, research, and practical outcomes that benefit the Autism community, and reflect on the panel discussion to consider bold actions, challenges, and opportunities in research and public health.

  • Stelios Georgiades, McMaster Children’s Hospital Chair in Autism and Neurodevelopment, Associate Professor
  • Other speakers TBC

Wednesday April 30th, 2025

7:30 – 9:00 | Breakfast

9:00AM – 1:00PM | Keynotes. Sessions.


Speaker: The Hon. Wanda Thomas Bernard, Senator.

Creating a more inclusive Canada: Public Awareness, Understanding, and Acceptance.

Part 1: Panel: Building Awareness, Understanding, and Belonging

This session will explore Priority Area 4 of Canada’s Autism Strategy. Speakers will discuss what challenges and opportunities for creating more understanding of autistic people in society look like, and what outcomes, such as reduced stigma and inclusion, would indicate success in promoting autism acceptance.

Part 2: Table Discussion: Bridging Hearts and Minds: Advancing Acceptance for Autistic Canadians

Participants will take time with their groups to reflect on the panel discussion, and will be encouraged to create meaningful dialogue around empathy, awareness, and actionable steps towards inclusivity.

  • NAN representative – TBC
  • Munira Khilji, SAAAC
  • Siyu (Suzanna) Chen, Munson Award winner 
  • Damon Kirsebom

Strengthening Economic Inclusion for Autistic People in Canada

Part 1: Panel: Breaking Barriers, Building Futures: Economic Inclusion for Autistic Canadians

This session will take a deep dive into Priority Area 2 of Canada’s Autism Strategy: Economic Inclusion. Speakers will discuss what government initiatives or policies at the Federal Level could help autistic Canadians economically, and identify key opportunities that could be leveraged to increase economic inclusion.

Part 2: Table Discussion: Opportunities for All: Advancing Workplace Inclusion and Economic Equity

Participants will collaborate to discuss actionable and practical strategies to improve economic outcomes for Autistic Canadians and consider the opportunities discussed in the panel discussion and what their organizations and local governments can do to align with national momentum.

  • Sharon McCarry, Founder, La Fondation Place Coco et la Petite Maisonnette Rouge 
  • Carolyn Tingly 
  • Tom Jackman, Munson Award winner
  • Sean Wiltshire, Chief Executive Office, Avalon Employment

1:00PM – 2:30PM | Lunch

2:30PM – 5:00PM | Keynote. Session. Closing Remarks.


Speaker: Stephanie Cadieux, Chief Accessibility Officer

Navigating Success: Implementing Tools and Resources for Autistic Individuals.

Part 1: Panel Discussion: Equipped for Success: Tools for Autistic Canadians and Their Families

This session will explore Priority Area 5 of Canada’s Autism Strategy: Tools and Resources.  The speakers will discuss initiatives and implementation activities that the Federal  government could support to ensure autistic individuals and their families have equitable access to tools and resources, as well as what results would show that Canada is improving support for autistic people.

Part 2: Table Discussion: Toolbox Talk: Sharing Strategies for Empowering Autistic Individuals

Participants will work together to discuss practical applications of tools and resources that benefit autistic people in their families, reflect on the panel discussion, and discuss gaps and solutions to ensuring autistic people and their families have access to impactful tools and resources.

  • Aide Canada representative – TBC
  • David Nicholas, Board Member at Autism Alliance of Canada 
  • Whitney Hodgins, Munson Award winner
  • Stephanie Jull, VP Programs, Training & Community Engagement,  Canucks Autism Network

Closing Remarks.

Join the conversation!

Join us April 28-30, 2025 at the Fairmont Château Laurier, Ottawa, and livestream.