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Empowering Autistic Canadians: Autism Alliance of Canada’s Key Recommendations for Federal Budget 2025

In July, 2024, Autism Alliance of Canada presented its 2025 federal budget recommendations to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance. The proposed measures encouraged a coordinated, whole-of-government approach that strengthens its commitment to Autistic Canadians and bolsters Canada’s Autism Strategy, which was released on September 26th, 2024.

The services needed address the wide range of autism-related needs span various departments, necessitating a coordinated, whole-of-government approach that involves leadership from multiple departments. By working collaboratively across ministries and agencies, we can develop a more inclusive and impactful set of initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life for Autistic individuals and their families/caregivers in Canada. Together, we can ensure that our efforts are coordinated and aligned to meet the diverse needs of the autism community effectively.

One million Canadians are Autistic, and along with their families, caregivers and their communities, make up an important segment of the country. By committing to a NAS, the government has signaled that it recognizes the need for a comprehensive approach to support Autistic Canadians and their families, ensuring their full participation in society and the economy. This submission outlines targeted measures and investments to address key issues identified by the federal government in the process of developing Canada’s first national autism strategy, promoting inclusivity, economic empowerment, and well-being for Autistic individuals and their families.

  • Recommendation 1: That the government provide earmarked funding for the implementation of the national autism strategy.
  • Recommendation 2: That the government collaborates with Indigenous partners to create and fund a distinct Indigenous approach to a national autism strategy, appointing a lead representative to engage and partner with First Nations, Métis and Inuit leadership to accomplish this. 
  • Recommendation 3:That the government increases the maximum disability supplement amount of the Canada Workers Benefit (CWB) to $2,500 (from $737). 
  • Recommendation 4:That the government increases the Child Care Expense Deduction (CCED) for children who are eligible for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) to cover the first $1500 of child care expenses per month. 
  • Recommendation 5:That the government makes the Canada Caregiver Credit (CCC) refundable to provide direct financial support to caregivers of Autistic individuals. 
  • Recommendation 6:That the government creates a dedicated Fund to Train Primary Care Practitioners to Diagnose Autism in children, youth and adults by investing $15M over 3 years in targeted training for community health practitioners. 
  • Recommendation 7:That the government builds on the initial investment and enhances the annual and monthly amount of the Canada Disability Benefit based on Market Basket Measures.
  • Recommendation 8: That the government reviews the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) programs to include appropriate housing accessibility and rapidly increase the number of new committed units from 2,075 to 10,000 for people with developmental disabilities.
  • Recommendation 9: That the government expands the Home Accessibility Tax Credit to explicitly cover home modifications that address the needs of Autistic people. 

Please note that the Budget 2025 consultation deadline was Aug 3rd.

To assist you in this advocacy journey, we have created a comprehensive Pre-Budget Consultation Toolkit. This resource includes our template, guidelines, and tips to support you as you develop your brief. 

Useful Documents at a Glance