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Autistic Adults in Focus: Understanding Mental Health and Social Support Needs and Barriers

Last year, Autism Alliance of Canada was funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) to carry out a national survey called “Fostering Inclusion: Exploring the Needs of Autistic Adults in Canada.” The top two priorities identified were mental health and social connections.

In Phase 2 of this work, our research team at the National Centre for Autism Collaboration (NCAC), did a deep dive into these two priority areas with additional funding from the Sinneave Family Foundation and in partnership with McMaster University. We held focus groups with Autistic adults in Canada to understand these needs better.

We invite you to click on the button below to read the report, “Autistic Adults in Focus: Understanding Mental Health and Social Support Needs and Barriers,” to learn how we can better support the health and wellbeing of Autistic adults in this country.