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Launch of the Canadian Journal of Autism Equity

Autism Alliance of Canada is proud to announce the launch of the Canadian Journal of Autism Equity (CJAE), on April 6, 2021, the first business day after World Autism Day.

The Canadian Journal of Autism Equity is an open-access e-journal focused on critically engaging with a variety of equity discussions within the autism community and public policy. Seeking authorship primarily by first-voice Autistic people or people with lived experience with autism and intersectionality, the Journal seeks to offer a platform to amplify marginalized voices and share these perspectives with decision-makers and Canadians alike.

CJAE is currently published once each year, in April following World Autism Acceptance Day.

I applaud the organizers, the supporters, the allies and most importantly, I want to thank all of the members of the Autistic community who have come together to populate this first edition of the journal. I look forward to reading and I look forward to seeing the voices of Autistic and marginalized children, youth, and adults using this platform to share their stories, to speak their truths…”

Headshot of The Honorable Dr. Wanda Thomas Bernard

The Honorable Dr. Wanda Thomas Bernard
Canadian Senator