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Announcement | Calling Autism Alliance of Canada’s Members to Join Our Board Of Directors and Committees

Autism Alliance of Canada, an organization committed to excellence and the representation of its diverse membership, is initiating the process for the nomination and election of new Directors for the term 2025-26. Autism Alliance of Canada is directly accountable to its members through its volunteer Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is dedicated to […]

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Charting a Path to Inclusion: Realizing the Promise of Canada’s National Autism Strategy

At least one million Canadians are autistic, which is approximately the population of Winnipeg or New Brunswick. Yet, despite that significant number, autistic people in Canada face significant barriers to full participation in society; encountering discrimination, stigma, poorer health and educational outcomes, and alarmingly low employment rates compared to their non-autistic counterparts. This stark reality violates their human rights and demands urgent action.

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A tribute to Cynthia Carroll

As Cynthia Carroll moves on to a new professional challenge, leaving Autism Nova Scotia and joining the government of Nova Scotia’s public service, we at Autism Alliance of Canada take this moment to recognize her tremendous contributions to the many successes of Autism Alliance of Canada (formerly known as CASDA) and her leading by example.

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