Ready, Willing and Able (RWA) is a national employment initiative, funded by the Government of Canada, and delivered in partnership between Inclusion Canada and Autism Alliance of Canada. RWA was designed to increase the labour force participation of job seekers and employees with an intellectual disability or on the autism spectrum.
As a national strategy to develop inclusive and effective labour markets, RWA aims to:
• Connect and support employers, persons with an intellectual disability and/or on the autism spectrum, and local, provincial and national community agencies.
• Promote understanding and awareness among employers and the general public as to the business value of hiring inclusively.
• Complement and enhance the capacity of community employment service delivery organizations by connecting them to new employer demand.
RWA is active in 30 communities across Canada
We are thrilled that the Government of Canada has allocated funding for Ready, Willing & Able. COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on the lives of Autistic people in Canada. Now is the time to invest in inclusive employment as we recover and build back. This funding will contribute to the economic inclusion of our community.