Tom Jackman Presented with Second Annual Jim & Ginette Munson Autism Leadership Award (2023)

Tom Jackman, an Autistic advocate for the acceptance of people on the autism spectrum, was presented with the Second Annual Jim and Ginette Munson Autism Leadership Award on the second day of the 9th Annual Canadian Autism Leadership Summit hosted by Autism Alliance of Canada in April 2023. Tom received this award in recognition of his demonstrated leadership and commitment to improving the lives of Autistic persons in Canada. His award was the artwork, “Hooting Indian Eagle-Owl” by 20-year-old Canadian Autistic artist and author-illustrator of children’s books from Quebec, Benjamin Lachapelle.

We are at the forefront of the Neurodiversity Revolution. Autistic people are making themselves heard. We are showing that neurodiversity is a positive, and not a negative. Autism conferences, agencies, and advocacy groups should all work to feature, integrate, and consult the people that they are trying to help. This is the kind of change that we need to see in the world. Once again, “Nothing About Us Without Us.”

Headshot of Tom Jackman

Tom Jackman
Recipient of the 2nd Annual Jim and Ginette Munson Autism Leadership Award

The Jim and Ginette Munson Autism Leadership Award was created by Autism Alliance of Canada in recognition of the persistent determination and leadership displayed by The Honourable Jim Munson, and Ginette Munson, in pursuit of a better Canada for Autistic persons, their families and communities.

Tom Jackman has been invited to speak and do presentations at many national conferences, including the Geneva Centre for Autism conference in Toronto, the pre-eminent international conference on autism.  Tom is featured in the film Autism Grows Up, a Kelly Brothers/Ability Hub production, which takes a look at the employment challenges of young adults living on the spectrum. He is also featured in the book Autism: The Gift That Needs to Be Opened; a resource aimed at improving the lives of parents, educators, and of those on the autism spectrum. He has been invited to speak and do presentations at many national conferences, including the Geneva Centre for Autism conference in Toronto, the pre-eminent international conference on autism. Tom is featured in the film Autism Grows Up, a Kelly Brothers/Ability Hub production, which takes a look at the employment challenges of young adults living on the spectrum. He is also featured in the book “Autism: The Gift That Needs to Be Opened,” a resource aimed at improving the lives of parents, educators, and of those on the autism spectrum.

View the full recording of the Award Ceremony in our Playlist for the 9th Annual Canadian Autism Leadership Summit below.