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National Autism Strategy

Charting a Path to Inclusion: Realizing the Promise of Canada’s National Autism Strategy

At least one million Canadians are autistic, which is approximately the population of Winnipeg or New Brunswick. Yet, despite that significant number, autistic people in Canada face significant barriers to full participation in society; encountering discrimination, stigma, poorer health and educational outcomes, and alarmingly low employment rates compared to their non-autistic counterparts. This stark reality violates their human rights and demands urgent action.

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CALS2023 participants gathered in a Hall

A Better Way Forward

Since the Government of Canada announced its commitment to creating a National Autism Strategy, Autism Alliance of Canada has engaged in meaningful work in the autism and disability sectors, at the national, provincial/territorial and local levels. Our process supports robust collaboration, partnerships and member engagement to promote inclusion for Autistic people in Canada and their loved ones.

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National Autism Network

National Consultation Announcement: Informing the Development of a National Autism Network

Autism Alliance of Canada would like to share that an important step towards advancing Canada’s National Autism Strategy is now underway. The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) reached out to Autism Alliance of Canada, the Pacific Autism Family Network and Autism Speaks Canada to collaborate in outlining plans for a National Autism Network to help action the national strategy.

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