Share Your Story: Workplace Experiences from Employees on the Autism Spectrum and Managers of Autistic Employees 

In partnership with Ready, Willing & Able, The Inclusive Workplace and the Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy (CRWDP), Autism Alliance of Canada* is developing a resource to help employers support employees on the autism spectrum to advance in their careers. This resource will focus on employees’ performance management and professional development in any industry or level of profession.

To develop this resource, we are seeking input from:

  • Autistic employees who would like to share their workplace experiences.
  • Human resource or disability support managers who have experience integrating employees on the spectrum in the workplace.
  • Managers in any industry who have tapped into the talent of their Autistic employees with regards to performance management.

Click here to see some examples of resources for employers and agencies that are posted on The Inclusive Workplace. 

We are currently looking for participants from across Canada to share their experiences on the following topics:

  • Workplace culture, diversity, and inclusivity.
  • The performance management process, as well as challenges and successes in performance management, evaluation, and feedback.
  • Disability disclosure and workplace accommodations.
  • Professional development training, mentorship, and goal setting.
  • Available resources and sources of support. 

Each interview will last approximately 60 minutes. It will be hosted using Zoom. The interview will be audio-recorded and transcribed for our records. Your identity will not be included in the transcript. The transcript will be used to help develop the resource. All participants will receive a $40 honorarium.

This study has received approval from the University of Toronto’s Research Ethics Board (#41960).

Applications have been successfully closed. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all who applied to share their story. Keep an eye out for the upcoming ways you can get involved – exciting opportunities are on the horizon!

*Autism Alliance of Canada was formerly known as the Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorder Alliance (CASDA). For more information regarding our name change, click here.