Inclusive Workplaces Discussion Tool

In 2022, Autism Alliance of Canada developed the Inclusive Workplaces Discussion Tool to support discussions between employers and Autistic employees on feasible changes that can be made in the workplace environment to promote inclusion, acceptance, functioning and workplace potential of the employee.

This project was funded by Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work (CCRW).

A working group composed Autistic self-advocates, caregivers (parents) of Autistic people, and subject matter experts was convened by Autism Alliance of Canada. This working group was tasked to consider the diversity of Autistic employee experiences and to develop a broad list of accommodations needs and solutions aimed at promoting workplace inclusivity for Autistic employees. While the term “accommodations” is standard language in most human resources settings, Autistic self-advocates have articulated a preference for shifting to language that emphasizes “inclusion” in the workplace. 

Two resources were developed:

  1. Inclusive workplaces discussion tool: An accommodations checklist for Autistic employees.
  2. Promoting workplace inclusivity: Improving the accommodations process for Autistic employees.

Resources and Outputs

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