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Training and Fellowships

Autism Alliance of Canada offers fellowships and training to give trainees experience in health services and policy research, which helps shape policies, practices, and advocacy work. Our goal is to educate the upcoming generation of researchers and policy-makers who can bring about significant changes for Autistic people across Canada.

We prioritize providing training opportunities to groups that have been historically left out of research, including those facing barriers due to disability, gender, race, sexual orientation, and Indigenous status. Specifically, we are working to improve training for researchers who are neurodivergent or Autistic.

We are proud to partner with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Kids Brain Health Network, The Sinneave Family Foundation, The Azrieli Foundation, Autism Speaks Canada, The SPOR Evidence Alliance of Canada, the Manitoba Centre of Health Policy, Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, and the MacMaster Autism Research Team to provide support and opportunities for trainees.

Join our highly skilled community of fellows who have engaged in impactful, community-driven projects. They have collaborated with persons with lived experience, renowned national researchers, community leaders, and policymakers. Please reach out if you are interested. We are excited to tell you more about the valuable training experiences we offer.


Autism Alliance of Canada provides multiple year-round short- and long-term internships and professional development opportunities for students and graduates of all levels across a variety of sectors, such as research, policy, communications, and more.

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Title graphic for CIHR Health System Impact Fellowship Program

Health System Impact Fellowship (HSIF)

The Health System Impact Fellowship program is led by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Health Services and Policy Research. Autism Alliance of Canada is proud to be a host institution for trainees accepted into this program and provide doctoral and postdoctoral awardees with an embedded research opportunity within our organization.

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As a member of Autism Alliance of Canada, you will contribute to enhancing our impact through a strong, unified, collaborative voice.