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Developing Shared Measurement Across Community Organizations: Data Across Indigenous Communities

Part of: Autism Data Collaborative

This project gathers stories from two First Nation communities their experience with autism. The goal is to meaningfully engage with the community, creating supportive environments, and considering the unique strengths and challenges of Autistic people. By understanding their needs, we can enhance their sense of belonging, well-being, and increase their involvement in research.

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Developing Shared Measurement Across Community Organizations: Sharing Space, Stories & Insight

Part of: Autism Data Collaborative

This pilot project has the goal of creating a databank for information about housing for Autistic adults across Canada. Housing is an important issue for the community and this information can help policy makers understand the needs of Autistic people and create better policies that can support them in finding suitable housing options.

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Leveraging Administrative Data in Manitoba to Inform Autism Policy

Part of: Autism Data Collaborative

This project will use administrative data in Manitoba to investigate the health, social and educational needs of autistic people living in Manitoba. We will also investigate gaps and strengths of administrative data in conducting this type of research involving autistic people and build relationships with researchers and clinicians working in this area in Manitoba.

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Canadian Autistic Adult Needs Assessment

Autism Alliance of Canada, partnering with McMaster University, is conducting a survey of Autistic adults (age 30 years and older) across Canada to better understand their needs. This information will be used to inform rights-based autism policy that prioritizes the lived-experience of Autistic adults.

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Autism Alliance of Canada provides multiple year-round short- and long-term internships and professional development opportunities for students and graduates of all levels across a variety of sectors, such as research, policy, communications, and more.

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Title graphic for CIHR Health System Impact Fellowship Program

Health System Impact Fellowship (HSIF)

The Health System Impact Fellowship program is led by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Health Services and Policy Research. Autism Alliance of Canada is proud to be a host institution for trainees accepted into this program and provide doctoral and postdoctoral awardees with an embedded research opportunity within our organization.

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