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Canadian Autistic Adult Needs Assessment

Autism Alliance of Canada, partnering with McMaster University, is conducting a survey of Autistic adults (age 30 years and older) across Canada to better understand their needs. This information will be used to inform rights-based autism policy that prioritizes the lived-experience of Autistic adults.

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Promotional graphic for Examining Criminal Justice with Autistic Adults in Canada Study

Examining Criminal Justice with Autistic Adults in Canada

Autism Alliance of Canada has partnered with Trent University on the Examining Criminal Justice with Autistic Adults in Canada project to achieve a better understanding and appreciation of how the criminal justice system is experienced and perceived by Autistic adults in Canada. 

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Pediatric Autism Research Cohort

Pediatric Autism Research Cohort (PARC) Study

Autism Alliance of Canada is partnering with the McMaster Autism Research Team on the Pediatric Autism Research Cohort (PARC) study. The PARC study aims to understand how children on the autism spectrum grow and develop. The insights gained from this study can help advocate for supports that can help Autistic children reach their full potential.

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Title graphic for CIHR Health System Impact Fellowship Program

Health System Impact Fellowship (HSIF)

The Health System Impact Fellowship program is led by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Health Services and Policy Research. Autism Alliance of Canada is proud to be a host institution for trainees accepted into this program and provide doctoral and postdoctoral awardees with an embedded research opportunity within our organization.

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